
Social Media Marketing

Unleash the Power of Social Media Marketing with Scalenowtech!

Introducing Scalenowtech, an eminent social media marketing agency in India! Let's explore social media together and learn the tiny things that count so that your brand may succeed both in terms of consumer retention and revenue. Our inventive brains are committed to developing compelling campaigns that connect with your audience and advance your company. Engage in social media marketing to see your online persona change at a speed that has never been possible. We provide social media marketing solutions for you. We are experts in the field and work hard to see that your company meets its obligations on scalenow's platforms.

Our Core Competencies


Through social media listening technologies, we gain a deep understanding of our clients and what they want.


We collaborate closely with clients to understand their goals, establish a captivating brand story, and develop a tailored solution to their problems.


For optimal reach and engagement, we weave unforgettable brand tales to captivate existing and new customers.


We are constantly tacking campaign results on numerous platforms. Using these insights, we optimise campaigns for real-time performance.

Services we offer for your business

Want to grow your social media presence? We can help!

Brand growth through social media marketing includes website design, engaging content, data-driven optimization, contests, campaigns and a comprehensive 6 step strategy for success.

Business Page Creation

Making a captivating business page is the first step in developing a strong online presence. We'll create a visually appealing and expertly designed page highlighting your brand's character, principles, and products.

Social Media Management

Let us handle the hassle of maintaining your social media accounts! we will curate and organize interesting posts that complement the goals and voice of your brand. We'll keep your customers engaged and eager for more with timely updates and interesting announcements.

Copy Creation

The basis of any social media campaign is engaging content. We'll create compelled material that draws interest and motivates response. The readers will find our words relatable, but they'll also be inspired to share, like, and interact with your posts.

Optimization and Measurement

We support continuous growth. Our team carefully assesses the effectiveness of your social media efforts, determining what functions best and what may be improved. We'll use data-driven insights to optimize your plan and ensure maximum reach and impact.

Contest & Campaign Management

Engagement is the key to building a loyal community. We'll organize exciting contests and well-designed campaigns that captivate your followers, fostering brand loyalty and creating a buzz around your business. Let's reward your audience and turn them into brand advocates!

Our Process

1. Understanding Product/Service

Understanding the goals of the social media campaign is the first and most crucial phase. Understanding the primary product or service of the brand helps our team of specialists define the campaign's final aim.

2. Developing a Strategy

We develop a strong roadmap to assist you in developing a comprehensive but successful social media plan once we have a complete understanding of what your business has to offer. It consists of the following processes, beginning with a target audience search for your company.

3. Consumer Research

A detailed evaluation of your brand's target market could make the difference between a successful and unsuccessful social media strategy for your company. Utilizing their knowledge and the most recent technologies and techniques, our team of professionals develops a consumer avatar around which our entire social media strategy is built.

4. Competitor’s Analysis

We research your competitors' social media activity after determining who to target. Knowing what we can do to perform better than competitors aids us in edging them out.

5. Creating Funnel

You can never succeed on a social network if you don't have a strong funnel to back up your marketing activities. We work with you to create a potent marketing funnel that serves as the backbone of your brand's social media success.

6. Creating a campaign & Optimization

Finally, after we have a fully developed social media strategy and a full marketing funnel to support it, it's time to shape the marketing campaign by including all the potent components we discovered in the earlier steps. To improve the campaign's performance even further, we additionally optimize it.

Get a free Live Demo!

Engagement is the key to building a loyal community. We'll organize exciting contests and well-designed campaigns that captivate your followers, fostering brand loyalty and creating a buzz around your business. Let's reward your audience and turn them into brand advocates!

Answering FAQs
Question 1. What is the first step in developing a strong online presence?
Answer. Creating an attractive corporate page is the first step towards establishing a strong internet presence. This cornerstone serves as a virtual gateway that can entice visitors and set the stage for fruitful interactions.
Question 2. What does Scalenowtech offer as part of their Social Media Marketing Services?
Answer. Create a strategy for each social media plattform, creating a content calendar for each social media plattform and posting content regularly, create engaging and interesting content, engagement with the followers, track and analyse metrics.
Question 3. How to create a winning social media marketing strategy?
Answer. Choose goals that align to business objectives, Learn everything you can about your audience, Get to know your competition, Do a social media audit, Set up accounts and improve profiles, Find inspirations, Create a social media content calendar, Create compelling content, Track performance and make adjustments